Documentary Season 2017

Moving away from the coursework and focussing on the exam based units it is time for us to re-focus  on the elements of Documentary. Although we started earlier in the year with Bowling for Columbine and some of you have watched a number of others it is now time to start documenting and analysing some others.

From this week forward can your weekly films all be Documentaries please?

We started this week with the Oscar Award Winning 
UNDEAFEATED (2011) - Dir. D.Lindsay/T.J.Martin

As usual I look forward to reading your A2 Film analysis on this piece underlying the details of the style of documentary, the approach taking by the film makers but also the production details of this film. Please remember that this year is all about depth and that context is king.

Lets Play Ball!

Deadline 15th November 2017

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