Single Film Study: Fight Club (dir. D Fincher)

Now that we have covered Documentary Film.
It is time to move on to our Single Film Study: Fight Club
Considered as one of David Finchers' most timely yet controversial, cult classics.

You should have all watched it by now!

As discussed last week you should assign yourselves into a group of three and create a Prezi for this film. 

Now that you have completed your Small Scale Research Project you will have the skills required to create a comprehensive piece of work.

  I suggest that you each take responsibility for a different element of the research. 

Ideas to consider are:-  the Directors work past and present. The effect / contribution of the key players,
Narrative, Production, Audience and Critical responses.

Let the analysis begin!

To be completed for Wednesday 7th December 


  1. Another way to find out when a profile is growing without reviewing its followers one by one is that last month an X account account had 800 followers and their photos had 60 likes and 45 views for each video. same number account may have 2800 followers this month, but its publications still have an average of 60 likes and 45 reprints (or less), one account followed more, but not more popular.These kinds of pages are another problem you can lend yourself to corruption or hack Instagram, so at the end of the day you can run out of money without followers and courage.

  2. Discussing portions of a work process, remember that it's anything but A to B venture. What we observed works for us is to a greater degree a hand on the light methodology. We're equivalent in obligation and everyone has responsibility for. Thusly, we ensure all aspects of the work process is all that we can get.

    Tests are likewise significant. We're not reluctant to offer novel thoughts that might be of some value, and we're not hesitant to concede botches. We're likewise not (really) tenacious with regards to releasing things. In the case of something doesn't work, we don't emphasize interminably in light of the fact that others make it happen.
