Documentary Case Studies

Now that we are getting to the end of the first half term it is important that you continue to plough through some of the suggested list of Documentaries. 

It should prove useful prior to the exam to have a thorough understanding of different types of Documentaries with solid examples. Please complete comprehensive analysis on the two that we have featured so far.

Please continue to look at each others blogs and comment on each others findings.

BFI London Film Festival

We were lucky enough to be able to obtain tickets again for a Film Screening at the London BFI Film Festival.

This years film was Amma Assantes' 


We were lucky enough to have the Director attend and give us some background information about herself and the journey of the film.
Some of you may of documented the day feel free to post your thoughts and experiences about the film and the trip.

A2 Film Small Scale Research - BFI Reubens Library

In order to enhance your Small Scale Research we were lucky enough to secure a trip to the BFI Reubens Library and gain assistance with your projects. I sincerely hope that you were able to gain some important information and ideas in terms of research techniques.

It is imperative that you now prepare to deliver your Annontated catalogue and your presentation script for the deadline of Thursday 20th October.
All presentation material and scripts should be ready for viewing this week select one of your colleagues to present you work to the class.

Welcome Back!

To those of you who made it through and worked so hard last year. Well Done!
You should be proud that you managed the workload and your time  appropriately.

There is a different focus this year and we will be starting with your written coursework. 
1500 Words Small Scale Research Investigation and presentation script deadline for this is the last day of term 
Thursday 20th October. 
Congratulations to those of you who started in the summer holidays as requested you have a head start. 

No extensions this year!