I am aware how much I have impressed upon you that Film is not science but a part of the Arts however we do need to try and adapt our Creative process to meet DEADLINES.

The DEADLINE for your Production element of your coursework is due Tuesday 31st January! 


For the third year in a row Coulsdon 6th Form College have had students that have applied and been accepted to the BFI Film Academy a saturday school run by Eastside Education. 

The Students in attendance this year are Seb Black and Ed Auld. 

They have attended talks and workshops over half terms and weekends since October 2016 with Industry professionals surrounded by like minded students from across London to produce a short film.

I was lucky enough to be in attendance last weekend to see the films and the awards ceremony. 

As ever I was pleased for the boys and proud as punch. 

The A2 Film Students continue to punch above their weight and produce content that continues to impress me. 

Well Done the Boys!


Jess inspires future film makers

In order to celebrate the work of former student Jess Wood and to inspire this years A2 Film crop we were invited to the WJEC Moving Image Awards 2016. at the BFI in London 

Although Jess did not win the Short Film category, she displayed to the good and the great within NFTS1 that Coulsdon 6th form College assisted and developed their film students to a level to compete with schools and colleges with much better technical resources. 

I hope that our current students and those to come will realise that hard work and application will enable you to compete at the highest level.