In light of the college being closed for the next couple of days it is imperative that your brain keeps ticking over.
To this end lets ensure that the work relating to your Exam  keeps moving.

As discussed last week could you please complete the OTHER questions on the exam sheet handed out. 

You are required to post your answers on your blogs and the to evaluate the work of at lest two of your peers.

We will assess as a class the out comes on return to college next week.

Your Weekly Film should also be completed, lets keep it documentary and if you can lets watch 13th (Adam and whomever else has not seen it yet.) 

FM4 - Issue and Debates (Mock Exam prep)

With your pending Mock exam next week Friday 9th February in todays lesson I would like you to spend 10-15 minutes discussing and planning on the board and then individually answer the question in a typed format and add it to your blogs. By the end of the lesson.

Q.12 ‘The best documentaries are those which are aware of the need to engage spectators cinematically.’ How far do you agree with this statement? [35]

Please bear in mind the exercise we did last week with n exam question and contemplate the macro as well as the micro elements that could inform your answers.

Please upload a copy of the picture of the planning board or email or tweet it to me.

Good Luck!

FM3 - Small Scale Research Written Coursework

As discussed a few weeks ago and in order to give you all an opportunity to create so outstanding work we extended the deadline for your written coursework just as a reminder the deadline is now


Please ensure that all your work is given the proper attention as this will be the last opportunity to enhance your coursework which is 40% of your overall grade.


How time flies when your having fun!
It is that time of the year when we start thinking about exams in earnest. 
Your first MOCK EXAM will take place the week commencing Monday 5th February.

You will be expected to prepare to answer 2 of the 3 questions from the paper supplied.

Past papers can be found on the WJEC / EDUQAS site and as discussed any of you that wish to attempt questions at any time and need them assessed we are happy to facilitated that.

Todays class - In my absence

Good day,

As you are all aware tomorrow is the deadline for the Production element of your coursework.

In my absence today will you all please take the opportunity to ensure that this is complete.

If you are attempting a screenplay that will have to be seen tomorrow in the correct format printed and ready to read.

If you are planning to shoot a film then a first cut will be expected to be seen tomorrow or at least rushes from your shoot.

Thursdays lesson will comprise of a presentation to the rest of the class when you will be able to receive feedback from your peers and myself. 

If that is complete please ensure that your blog entries are upto date and that you have commented on your peers blogs as is regularly required.

Stephen Follows - Follow Stephen

Please take a look across this website for an insight into the world of the Film Industry.

Stephen is a Filmmaker but spends his down time researching and documenting his finds to assist those interested in Film or trying to put their own Productions together. There are many topics across the ice that will be relevant to your study of FM4 Film Studies.

Documentaries to look out for!

As suggested earlier in the term there are a plethora of fantastic Documentaries.

What have your favourites been so far? Why? Which ones are True? Which are dramatised? Are there any differences between the two?

Remember that you are looking to identify a range of different elements and styles of documentary. Explore how these films were received by audiences both when they were released and today. 

Here are a selection of some you should have watched already. 

If not crack on!